Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Telehealth & Home Safety Equipment to Make Aging at Home Possible

Your best opportunity to stay home safety is to receive the extra support and care you deserve. Telehealth and home safety equipment make it possible for seniors to remain at home with increased confidence and peace of mind.  

Telehealth is a way of delivering health care remotely by means of telecommunications.  It includes a wide variety of technologies to deliver virtual medicine and health care.  The types of technologies utilized include live video, secure electronic communications, remote patient monitoring and communication supported by mobile devices such as cell phones, tablets and laptops.  Telehealth is not a specific service, but rather a collection of means to deliver care, monitoring and education.  

Telehealth is most often used to deliver the following range of health care services and information:  

  • Dentistry 
  • Counseling 
  • Physical and occupational therapy 
  • Home health 
  • Chronic disease monitoring and management 
  • Disaster management 
  • Consumer and professional education 
Telehealth & Home Safety Services for Consideration    

ü  Personal Emergency Response System
This portable emergency call system can be set up through a landline or cellular phone line. This system sends an alert out in an emergency to notify the designated first responder.

ü  Medication Monitoring
The medication monitoring unit organizes and dispenses medications according to the physician-prescribed schedule.

ü  Fall Detection Button Fall                    
Fall detection is an additional safeguard for
situations when an individual falls and is
unable to push the help button.  

ü  Mobile Care / GPS Tracking                                 
This discrete, wearable device makes GPS
tracking & location, available alongside two
way automated and hands-free 
communication, from virtually anywhere via
cellular networks.    

Home Safety Equipment for Consideration

·         Riser for the toilet seat
·         Grab bars for the bathroom
·         Hand-held shower head
·         Bath bench
·         Bedroom products (hospital beds,over-bed tables, pads)
·         Medicine droppers and spoons
·         Button loopers and zipper pulls for easier dressing
·         Single-lever faucets for kitchen and bath
·         Touch-tone telephones, calculators and clocks with large numbers
·         Kitchen tools to make opening cans, peeling, cutting and dicing food easier
·         Reachers to eliminate bending and help offset a weak grasp or limited mobility

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Aging in Full Bloom: Three Empowering Aspects of Aging

by Lisa Stockdale 

Enough with all the negativity!  It's high time we learned to celebrate, honor, respect, cherish and embrace the aging process.  Put away your anti-aging mindset and open your eyes to possibility of living out loud instead of accepting the so-called reality of getting old.  Know that you have survived every challenge that life has delivered to your doorstep thus far, and look to the future with the confidence and know-how that experience brings.  Make decisions that bring you peace and happiness and strength. Continue to takes chances, create, learn, engage and explore. 

If you are reading this, your ending has not been written. You owe it to yourself to live with your eyes and arms wide open greeting each new day as your own personal opportunity for growth, happiness and new beginnings.   

Growing old is one thing but getting old is out of the question. To grow old is to continue to pave a path through learning and leadership in the family, workplace and community.  To get old is to stand by and watch things happen as if you are powerless in the experience. The challenges that aging presents are admittedly obstacles associated with aging, but there have always been obstacles associated with aging from puberty to adolescence to young adulthood to mid-life crisis and beyond. We are constantly evolving and making adaptations along the way. 

What are the benefits of aging?  


Freedom from the grind of all the demands associated with earlier stages of life like the challenges of building a career or being a caregiver.  Consider the following quote from an email entitled Aging and Friendship submitted to the Echo Press:

"Whose business is it if I choose to read, or play on the computer, until 4 a.m., or sleep until noon?  I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 50s, 60s and 70s, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love, I will.

I will walk the beach, in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves, with abandon, if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set. I know I am sometimes forgetful.  But there again, some of life is just as well forgotten. And, eventually, I remember the important things."  


Research indicates that people report being happiest in their youth and then again in their 70s and early 80s. People report being least happy during those years associated with mid-life.  Why?  Maybe it’s because older people have come to understand the value of happiness, and they have learned how to be happy along the way.  They know that happiness is a personal choice.  It is not contingent upon circumstances or the things that have happened in life.  It’s a way of thinking and knowing.  It is closely connected to one’s ability to appreciate the small pleasures like taking a warm bath or a watching the sun set.  It is also closely connected to purposeful living which generally includes maintaining close social ties and engaging in meaningful activities that promote the greater good. 

These days everyone seems to be researching happiness.  There’s even a Happiness Research Institute, which is an independent think tank, working to improve quality of life by exploring human happiness.   Scholars and universities are also focusing on the topic.  According to Acacia Parks, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Hiram College, who researches and teaches on the science of happiness, happiness is not about feeling good all the time but instead is associated with a more even-keeled mood.  Parks cites recent research that indicates that those who focus on feeling good all the time actually undermine their ability to be happy by trying to achieve an unrealistic goal.  Parks writes, “You have the ability to control how you feel – and with consistent practice, you can form life-long habits for a more satisfying and fulfilling life.”  It seems the researchers are working hard to confirm or prove what many older adults already know.  


Many seniors report the opportunity to focus on hobbies and talents that had to be put on hold in their earlier years.  Some return to the university to earn advanced degrees or audit classes without the pressure of exams and assignments.  Others discover hidden talents they never knew they had.  For example, my own mother discovered that she is a talented painter late in life.  Some are blessed with grandchildren and describe being a grandparent very differently than being a parent.   Eva Figes wrote in It's a Nan's World that the difference between being a mother and a grandmother is like the difference between marriage and a love affair.  Apparently, she is enjoying being a grandmother quite a lot.  Others report becoming more assured in their faith or spirituality.  One of my favorite articles on the opportunities associated with aging comes from Loren Olson, a retired psychiatrist, entitled The Opportunities for Aging: Freedom from the Tyranny of Ambition.  

Consider the following excerpt:  

 “We can either measure time or we can experience time.  For me, time still carries a sense of urgency, but the urgency of time has been transformed from a seemingly endless series of appointments and moving from one goal to the next to an urgency for experiencing every moment and not wasting the time that remains.  I decided to stop wearing neck ties.  I promised never to sit through a boring meeting or lecture.  I stopped going to cocktail parties to ‘network’ with people I didn’t really like but who might do something for me.  I moved things from my bucket list to my un-bucket list and began to get rid of things I once treasured but increasingly felt like just some burdensome ‘stuff.’

I stopped doing what I thought I should do to meet someone else’s expectations of me.  I deconstructed my old value system and reconstructed one of my own.  I realized that good relationships are always U-shaped, and to hang on to them sometimes requires a lot of work to get to a richer place. 

I stopped seeking relationships based on what the other person could do for me.  I discovered that whom I dined with was more important than what is on the menu.  I began to shed myself of stuff that had lost its meaning.  I have learned to appreciate my experiences and the wisdom that has come from my successes but also from the mistakes I’ve made” 

Five Tips for Better Sun Safety

Waterproof Patio Furniture Covers for more information on outdoor table covers Summer is winding down but UV rays and heat may still po...