Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Rosemary Barkes: Working to Expose Dementia Like a Boss

Rosemary Barkes, The Dementia Dance 2013 
Featured guest on Senior Agenda - 8/1/2013

Rosemary Barkes appeared on Senior Agenda on 8/1/2013 to discuss her book, The Dementia Dance, published earlier this year.  She shared snapshots of her mother and their journey as they stood together in her mother's "dance with dementia."

The Dementia Dance is a practical how to guide offering real advice and direction when it comes to navigating the inroads of dementia - a progressive disease for which there is yet no cure.  The book is a quick and easy read offering insightful commentary based on Rosemary's experiences and observations as an active participant in her mother's progression.  It provides an honest account of the pros and cons of memory care. It paints a vivid picture of the everyday frustrations of living with dementia for both patient and family. It utilizes humor and elevates hope in the face of dementia.  It is a must read for everyone who loves anyone with dementia.

On Senior Agenda, Rosemary spoke of the need for an advocate and  the importance of activities in the lives of those with dementia.  She shared memories about the moment she realized her mother was struggling and the day she finally accepted that her mother was dying.  She also spoke about the guilt and denial she experienced as a caregiver. And yes - there were happy times like the day her mother participated in a fashion show at the assisted living community where she lived.   Listen here.

The Dementia Dance can be purchased online at buy book now for just $13.00.  It is truly a useful tool for anyone dealing with dementia.  Rosemary is a brave and delightful soul willing to share private moments in the hope that it will help pave the way for others.  Thank you Rosemary! 

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