Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Talk Radio Reminds Us that the Ear Sees Deeper than the Eye

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We all know that the heart sees deeper than the eye.  What talk radio has taught me is that the ear also sees deeper than the eye.

There is something liberating about talk radio.  I mean where else can you stir up conversation, engage in dialogue, raise awareness, issues calls to action, search for truth, question authority, challenge the status quo, expose injustice, cause folks to reconsider, entertain, educate and express yourself without ever worrying about whether or not it's a bad hair day?  In fact, better than that - no selfie required.  I like that because more than freeing me up to go around looking crazy, it frees my listeners up to listen!

I thought I had discovered my passion as a teacher but these days I'm convinced that I was meant to be your radio personality and the host of a program we call Senior Agenda.  A program that they told me would not work because senior topics aren't sexy enough and seniors don't use the internet and there is noting new or controversial or newsworthy to explore.  Well,  they were all wet!  

We are rapidly approaching one year of programming and it has been quite a ride. But we are just getting started!  Welcome to the Senior Agenda family!  We mean to change the senior landscape and improve senior lives and demand that we all operate in respect when it comes to seniors and the elderly.  So the next time you are standing in line at the grocery store behind a 90-year-old woman holding up the line because she moves a little slower than most and feels the need to make exact change. take a deep breath and remind yourself that patience and love and respect are admirable attributes.

Senior Agenda can be heard live on Thursday mornings at 10:00 on www.talktainmentradio.com and Sunday evenings at 7:00  in Franklin County (Ohio) on Columbus Community Radio at 98.3 and 102.1 on your FM dial.  Callers are welcomed during the live program at 1-877-932-9766.  Revisit recent programs at http://www.talktainmentradio.com/shows/senioragenda.html.

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